Settings in Hores
We start by preparing the user in HORES: in the menu Codebooks > Users > Edit user > Edit accesses > Actions, we set the permissions for each user who will access the application.
Setting user rights for housekeeping or maintenance is detailed with this article:
Download the app from Google Play:
The HORES Housekeeping application is located on Google Play and is free to download. New updates will then be automatically installed on individual devices (if the user has automatic updates set on their device).
The current installed version of the application can be found in the application in Settings (menu icon in the upper left menu of the application) > Application information
Device activation
Activation in HORESu
We add a new application user in HORES in the menu: Modules > Housekeeping > Device management > Activate new device.
After creating the device, click on it and select "Edit" from the bottom menu.
A window will appear with the option to read a QR code:
After the time limit has expired, you can call up the activation window again at any time, no need to stress about the countdown :)
Activation on phone/tablet
When you start the application for the first time, the "Device authorization" screen will appear, where you can choose the preferred method of connecting the mobile application to HORES.
We have three options to choose from:
1. Connection via "WiFi connect (QR code)"
We choose this method if we want to connect the application to HORES using an internal network: typically a secure internal network, e.g. at the reception, for employees. The application is then directly connected to HORES via the same network as, for example, the computer at the reception. Making the connection is the easiest in this case: all you have to do is scan the QR code from HORES and the device will be activated. HORES reports "Activation successful" and marks the given device with a green tick. If the hotel has its own IT, it can set the security of access to the server so that staff can connect in this way from external WiFi intended for guests.
2. Connection via "WiFi connect (manual)"
We will use this method if we do not have the possibility to use a QR code for any reason. The connection is the same as when logging in via a QR code, only the data contained in it must be entered manually, i.e. URL for communication with the HORES API and Activation code.
3. Connection via HORES Proxy
If the hotel does not have an internal WiFi network (for employees) available in all rooms, it is necessary to connect via external WiFi intended for guests or via mobile data on the device. In this case, security is implemented via the HORES Proxy service. This connection method also has the advantage that it is possible to connect from anywhere where the Internet is available, it can also be used by HORES support to identify potential problems.
In the first line, enter the hotel code (HORES support will inform you) and in the second the Activation code from the HORES window with the QR code:
4. Demo
The demo version is intended for interested parties who do not require a connection to their own hotel database. It will allow you to test all the functionality of the application without setting up a connection to HORES.
User login
When logging in for the first time, the user needs to select "Reset" and enter the username and password from HORES. The PIN is entered on the last line, it is five arbitrary digits that the user chooses instead of the login name and password, so it is a simplified way of logging into the application. The user always enters the PIN when logging into the application.
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