The HORES Housekeeping 2 application offers a whole range of advanced functions for hotel housekeeping management in its new version. In this article, let's imagine the most essential functionalities.
On the home page, we see a clear graph of hotel occupancy with percentage occupancy in the middle. The following is a guide to the 4 basic sections of the application: hotel status, room status, my tasks and messenger. At the very top right is an icon showing the connection to HORES. At the very top left is the application settings menu, which can be completely disabled for some users.
Hotel condition
Individual subsections lead to a list of rooms or a list of guests with a predefined filter, for example "occupied rooms" lead to a list of rooms with a set filter "guest accommodation", this filter can be easily changed at the top of the room list page.
At the top of the screen we see the icons of the three most used views: list of resident guests, today's guest arrivals and today's guest departures. With the guest list, it is possible to set the visibility of guest names using user rights.
List of rooms
In the upper part of this screen, it is possible to search by room number, or filter the list of rooms by cleaning status or by occupancy.
The state of the room is indicated by the color of the icon on the far right and the status written below the icon. Occupancy status is indicated by a colored accent within the room tile. We distinguish the following colors: blue = free room, green = room reservation, yellow = guest accommodation, red = room blocking or technical fault. Within the room tile, it is possible to display room attributes entered in HORES in the last line. By dragging the room tile to the left, you can quickly clean the room or write a new task on it.
Room detail
When we click on the room tile in the list of rooms, we get to the details of the room, where we can see the current state of the room in the upper part. There are three basic tabs: on the first is Basic information about the stay, on the second is Cleaning (where you can set the room as cleaned) and on the third you can display and enter tasks related to the room. The tasks are divided into those that have already been closed and those that are current. At the top of the list of current tasks are those that do not have an assigned date. The following are tasks with an assigned deadline, sorted from the closest deadline (most urgent). A task tile can be quickly closed by swiping left on the task tile.
Task detail
After clicking on the task tile, we get to the details of the task. It is again divided into three sections: Details, Comments and Photo. After clicking on the comment icon in the blue circle, it is possible to comment on the task or send a photo related to the task. All information entered in this way is stored in the HORES database and it is possible to work with it here within Traces. To close the task, you need to click on the appropriate button and, if necessary, fill in the closing comment.
Task list
In this section there is a clear record of all tasks within HORES. It is possible to filter tasks in detail, add a new one, or quickly close a task by moving it to the left on the tile. By clicking on the tiles, we get to the details of the task. Tasks created 30 days into the past and 365 days into the future are written into the application, tasks for departed guests are not displayed.
A new task
Enter a new task by clicking on the + icon in the blue circle. For a new task, you need to fill in at least the Text of the task and its assignment to a user group. We can also fill in the category, date and room assignment. Category is a secondary parameter for including a task in the system, e.g. Electricity, Bedding, Heating, etc. If we fill in the new task with room details, the room is already pre-filled. As already mentioned, all tasks are recorded in HORES as traces.
In this section we will find a list of internal and external contacts for persons related to the operation of the hotel. Internal contacts make up the list of HORES users (only displayed if they have a filled-in phone number). External contacts are defined within the HORES code books (Code books > Housekeeping > Contacts), these are e.g. suppliers etc. If the contact has a filled-in email and phone, it can be used directly from the application.
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