All translations in HORES are made by Weblate online system.
First of all you choose an interface language:
and secondary language:
source language is czech, but when you set up a secondary language (english), you will see also an english version of string
After choose a project:
HORES templates: it is a strings of all HORES output (print/PDF/email).
Custom templates
In your case, you have a special template of Registration card and Reservation confirmation - if you need to make some changes in this two template you must write me a right string (and bad also) and I will change it in your special template file. Or, if you want to go deeper in HORES, you can change it here:
when you choose a right template you can find the string with Ctrl+F and type it
When you retype it in source code, you must save the template and it should run immediately.
Please do not translate other project, just templates, or we can discuss about it late.
You have a permission to change just Georgian language.
How to translate:
use search, in english, or in georgian
If you click on georgian you can type new version of string:
Save it and let us know, you do it, we must update stings manualy, the changes will appears in next HORES version.
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